Now that is good customer service!

While driving yesterday I heard a great story about simple customer service going beyond the expectations of the customers. On the radio there was much talk about a new study about all the germs on shopping carts. Really nothing new there but lots of details about the nasty bacteria and germs which live on shopping carts. Yes some grocery stores have wipes available to wipe off the handle and the baby seat in the front of the cart. But the independently owned Chevy Chase (MD) Supermarket goes way beyond a simple wipe! They run their carts through a 90 second spray and dry machine each time so every customer always gets a clean and sanitized cart. It is so popular with the customers, especially those bringing their small children to the store that patrons have asked if they can run their stroller through the machine. Not only did the management of the Chevy Chase supermarket say yes, but also do it free of charge. That truly is going beyond the expectation of the customer – and at the same time getting some great and free press for their business. Very smart!

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